America | Tanks - Heroes & Generals Game Guide (2025)

This section contains information about tanks available to the America. Below you will find a description of every single tank, coupled with the purchase price, thickness of armor, armaments, as well as suggested methods of usage.

Light Tanks


Armor Thickness



Front Upper: 16 mm

Front Lower: 16 mm

Sides Upper: 13 mm

Sides Lower: 13 mm

Rear: 7 mm

Top: 7 mm

Bottom: 7 mm

Purchase Price: 35500 Credits / 399 Gold

Health Points: 1500

Seats: 2

Armament: M2HB cannon

Additional armaments: M1919A4 rifle

Available Upgrades: A vehicle-mounted chest, containing ammo, or rocket launchers.

Usage: the first American light tank. Unfortunately, its effectiveness is very limited, because the cannon is incapable of penetrating any armor, thus making the M2A2 effective only against enemy infantry, as well as unarmored vehicles.

M5A1 Stuart

Front Upper: 29 mm

Front Lower: 38 mm

Sides Upper: 29 mm

Sides Lower: 25 mm

Rear: 25 mm

Top: 13 mm

Bottom: 13 mm

Purchase Price: 56800 Credits / 599 Gold

Health Points: 1500

Seats: 2

Armament: 37 mm cannon

Armor Penetration: up to 36mm (60mm with AP rounds).

Additional armaments: M1919A4

Passenger Armaments: M1919A4

Available Upgrades: A vehicle-mounted chest, containing ammo, or rocket launchers.

Usage: the M5A1 Stuart is an extremely good light tank. It has a powerful 37mm cannon, which can easily break through a medium tank's armor (provided that you use AP rounds). The tank's armor is almost doubled when compared to the M2A2, which makes is less vulnerable to enemy attacks.

M24 Chaffee

Front Upper: 30 mm

Front Lower: 22 mm

Sides Upper: 13 mm

Sides Lower: 13 mm

Rear: 13 mm

Top: 10 mm

Bottom: 10 mm

Purchase Price: 149000 Credits / 1449 Gold

Health Points: 1500

Seats: 2

Armament: 75 mm cannon

Additional armaments: M1919A4

Passenger Armaments: M1919A4

Available Upgrades: A vehicle-mounted chest, containing ammo, or rocket launchers.

Usage: the M24 Chaffee can be simply described as a "light tank destroyer". It has a very powerful cannon, which makes short work of every light tank (and is capable of penetrating some heavy tanks). Unfortunately, the armor, aside from the frontal one, is very thin, thus the tank is very vulnerable to enemy fire.

Medium Tanks


Armor Thickness


M3 Lee

Front Upper: 38 mm

Front Lower: 51 mm

Sides Upper: 38 mm

Sides Lower: 38 mm

Rear: 38 mm

Top: 25 mm

Bottom: 13 mm

Purchase Price: 92300 Credits / 919 Gold

Health Points: 2000

Seats: 2

Armament: 75mm cannon

Armor Penetration: up to 76mm

Additional armaments: 37mm cannon

Passenger Armaments: M1919A4

Available Upgrades: A vehicle-mounted chest, containing ammo, or rocket launchers.

Usage: an interesting medium tank, equipped with two cannons. The smaller one (37mm) should easily take care of enemy light tanks, while the 75mm monster will be more than enough for every enemy vehicle (excluding some of the heaviest tanks). Additionally, the M3 Lee is equipped with a decent armor.

M4A1 Sherman

Front Upper: 51 mm

Front Lower: 51 mm

Sides Upper: 38 mm

Sides Lower: 38 mm

Rear: 38 mm

Top: 13 mm

Bottom: 19 mm

Purchase Price: 113600 Credits / 1149 Gold

Health Points: 2000

Seats: 2

Armament: 75mm cannon

Armor Penetration: up to 76mm

Additional armaments: M1919A4

Passenger Armaments: M1919A4

Available Upgrades: A vehicle-mounted chest, containing ammo, or rocket launchers.

Usage: M4A1 Sherman is, basically, an upgraded version of M3 Lee. It has better frontal armor, and the same 75mm cannon. It's one of the most balanced tanks in the game. It is, unfortunately, not that effective against enemy heavy tanks.


Front Upper: 64 mm

Front Lower: 51 mm

Sides Upper: 38 mm

Sides Lower: 38 mm

Rear: 38 mm

Top: 19 mm

Bottom: 13 mm

Purchase Price: 156200 Credits / 1549 Gold

Health Points: 2000

Seats: 2

Armament: 76mm cannon

Additional armaments: M1919A4

Passenger Armaments: M1919A4

Available Upgrades: A vehicle-mounted chest, containing ammo, or rocket launchers.

Usage: the M4A3E8 is the best medium tank available to the America. Bigger, 76mm cannon allows the tank to put up a fight against enemy heavy tanks, provided that you will be firing at less durable sides of armor, such as rear or sides. Additionally, it has slightly improved frontal armor.

Tank Destroyers


Armor Thickness


M18 Hellcat

Front Upper: 13 mm

Front Lower: 13 mm

Sides Upper: 13 mm

Sides Lower: 13 mm

Rear: 13 mm

Top: 8 mm

Bottom: 5 mm

Purchase Price: 120700 Credits / 1249 Gold

Health Points: 1500

Seats: 2

Armament: 76mm cannon

Armor Penetration: up to 150mm

Additional armaments: M2 Browning

Passenger Armaments: -

Available Upgrades: A vehicle-mounted chest, containing ammo, or rocket launchers.

Usage: if you would only look at the charts, this tank would seem as a bad joke. The armor is comparable to a weak light tank, but the biggest virtue of the M18 Hellcat is speed - it's the fastest tank available in the game. Whichever deficiencies this tank has, it more than makes up for it with the sheer speed - if the enemy won't be able to land a hit at you, your armor won't really matter at all.

Heavy Tanks


Armor Thickness


M26 Pershing

Front Upper: 102 mm

Front Lower: 76 mm

Sides Upper: 76 mm

Sides Lower: 76 mm

Rear: 51 mm

Top: 22 mm

Bottom: 22 mm

Purchase Price: 213000 Credits / 1999 Gold

Health Points: 2500

Seats: 2

Armament: 90mm cannon

Armor Penetration: up to 110mm

Additional armaments: M1919A4

Passenger Armaments: M1919A4

Available Upgrades: A vehicle-mounted chest, containing ammo, or rocket launchers.

Usage: the only heavy tank available to the Americans. The M26 Pershing is excellent against all vehicles in the game - thanks to the powerful, 90mm cannon, it can easily rip through almost every armor. The only tank capable of withstanding a direct hit (to the frontal armor only) from it, is the German Tiger II - when you encounter one at the battlefield, try to attack it from the sides / rear.

America | Tanks - Heroes & Generals Game Guide (2025)
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